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Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School

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School Logo

Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Our class teacher is Mr Bromley and our teaching assistant is Mrs Briffett.


PE days this year are Fridays


In Music we have been listening and appraising rock music and learnt to sing Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.  We have also learnt instrumental parts on the glockenspiels and improvised and composed with these too.

In PSHE, Year 5 have focused on Me and My Relationships.

We discussed how to be a good friend.

In Science, Year 5 have learnt about living things - focusing on life cycles of plants and animals.

In Science, Year 5 are focusing on materials and their properties.

We investigated the best material for thermal insulators.

We had to decide which materials were soluble and insoluble.
