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Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School

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School Logo

Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School

Holiday Requests

Attendance and Holidays

Parents are asked to keep staff informed regarding reasons for approved absences e.g. illness, medical appointments.  All absences must be followed by a letter from the parent.  This is a legal requirement.


PLEASE NOTE: Since 1st September 2013, headteachers cannot grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any leave which is granted will be at the discretion of the headteacher and it will be up to them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. Leave is unlikely to be granted for the purpose of a family holiday, and parents can be fined for taking their child/children on holiday during term time without the consent of the school.


If any absences during term time are required please complete a form from the school office


Schools are required to publish figures for unauthorised absences.  The categories defined as authorised can be obtained from the office.  The absence rates for the last school year are recorded in the report to parents from the Governors at the end of the year.


Children benefit from regular and punctual attendance at school and we ask parents to ensure that absences only occur when absolutely necessary. At Broad Oak School attendance and punctuality is monitored and any causes for concern are automatically passed on to the relevant ‘Outside Agency’.



Change to issuing of penalty notices
