PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic)
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Wellbeing Education (PSHE education) is a non statutory, but inspected, area of the National Curriculum.
The curriculum framework includes:
Developing self-esteem, confidence and making the most of your abilities
Citizenship, pupil involvement, pupil voice and School Council
Healthy Lifestyles, including Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Keeping Safe and Feeling Safe in the real world as well as in the virtual world
Personal and Interpersonal Relationships
Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education
Sex and Relationship Education
Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability
Difference and Diversity
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
‘Circle Time’ is considered to be the most effective approach for the teaching of PSHE.
Our class topic letters have more details of the PSHE curriculum for each year group. These can be found by clicking on the “Children” section.
Our Intent for our PSHE Curriculum
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. PSHE gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life. (PSHE Association).
Our Implementation for our PSHE Curriculum
Our PSHE lessons are based on the same theme for each year group and are taught using the scheme SCARF. These are:
- Me and My Relationships - Includes feelings/emotions/conflict resolution/friendships
- Valuing Differences - Includes British Values focus
- Keeping Myself Safe - Includes aspects of safe internet use, drugs and Relationships Education
- Rights and Responsibilities - Includes money/living in the wider world/environment
- Being My Best - Includes keeping healthy/Growth Mindset/goal setting/achievement
- Growing and Changing - Includes RSE-related issues
British Values
Each week there is an assembly dedicated to a British Value. This allows each year group to discuss the value.
The British Values are:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
The impact of our Religion and World Views Curriculum
Key Skills by the end of Key Stage 1
Living in the Wider World
- How to contribute to the life of the classroom.
- Help to construct class rules.
- Start to recognise what improves and harms local natural and built environments.
- Know that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes.
- Understand the concept of spending and saving money.
- Recognise how others show their feelings and how they might respond.
- Know ways to recognise, manage and control strong feelings and emotions.
- How their behaviour might affect others.
- The difference between secrets and surprises and examples of both.
- Share opinions on things that matter to them.
- Judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable and how to respond.
- Know about different kinds of teasing and bullying and that these are wrong.
- Know ways to resist teasing and bullying.
- Explain their views on things that matter to them.
Health and Well being
- Recognise components of a healthy lifestyle.
- Know how to make healthy eating choices.
- Ways to make choices to improve physical and emotional health.
- About the importance of personal hygiene.
- How some diseases and spread.
- Know the names for the main parts of the body.
- That household products can be harmful if not used properly.
- Ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe including regarding ICT and online safety.
Key Skills by the end of Key Stage 2
Living in the Wider World
- Realise some consequences of antisocial and aggressive behaviours e.g. bullying and discrimination.
- Recognise that communities and the people within them are diverse, changing and interconnected.
- Recognise how rights need to be balance against responsibilities in order to protect individuals and communities from injustice.
- About the role money plays in our lives.
- How to manage money including concepts of interest, loan, debt and tax.
- Make connections between the world of work and their future economic well-being.
- Judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable / unacceptable and how to respond.
- Understand how new relationships may develop.
- Develop ways of coping with negative pressures.
- Know that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors
- Recognise and challenge stereotypes.
- Learn about differences between gender, identity and sexual orientation.
Health and Well being
- Recognise that they may experience conflicting emotions
- About taking care of their bodies.
- About change including transitions, loss, separation, divorce and bereavement.
- Recognise that increased independence brings increased responsibility
- Know which, why and how some substances could damage their immediate and future health and safety.
- Know about the changes at puberty and human reproduction.
- Recognise how puberty relates to human reproduction.
- Strategies for keeping physically and emotionally safe including safety online.