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Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School

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School Logo

Penwortham Broad Oak

Primary School


Welcome to Reception


Welcome to the reception class section of the website!

Have a look at what we get up to in the youngest class of Broad Oak Primary School…

We are always working hard and having lots of fun with our teacher, Mrs Bentham, and our teaching assistants- Miss Lawless, Miss Allen and Mrs Keighley


PE days this year are on Wednesdays and Fridays


End of Year Expectations - Early Learning Goals

Farmer Themed Day

 A wonderful day to end our Harvest topic. The children loved coming dressed up as farm themed characters. We had a range of activities for children to explore. They particularly loved the physical development element, enjoying some farmyard dances and active games. The children created a fantastic scarecrow and enjoyed looking at other countries that harvest fruit. The fruit was delicious!

Week 1


What a fantastic first week the children have had. Making new relationships and settling in well!
